Home services & Pet-sitter for pets (cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, birds ...).
Interventions in Troyes in the City Center and around Sainte-Savine, Les Noës-près-Troyes, La Chapelle-Saint-Luc, Barberey-Saint-Sulpice, Sainte-Maure, Vannes, Saint-Lyé, Saint-Benoît-sur-Seine, Payns, Le Pavillon-Sainte-Julie, Pont-Sainte-Marie, Creney-près-Troyes, Vailly, Feuges, Assencières, Luyères, Bouy-Luxembourg, Saint-Parre-aux-Tertres, Villechétif, Mesnil-Sellières, Dosches, Saint-Julien-les-Villas, Rosières-près-Troyes, Bréviandes, Buchères, Verrières, Saint-Germain, Saint-André-les-Vergers, La Rivière-de-Corps, Torvilliers, Macey, Laines-aux-Bois...
_ home pet care, home cat care, home dog care
_ dog walking
_ feeding animals at home
_ cleaning accessories and litter
_ transport of animals in an air-conditioned vehicle
(health protocol strictly adhered to)
Contact servicespouranimaux.com
(pet sitter Troyes, pet sitter Troyes, animal transport Troyes, animal services Troyes, animals services Troyes, home services Troyes)