Pet-sitter pet services (cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, birds...).
Interventions in Châteauroux in the centre-city and around Fontchoir districts, Saint-Denis, Bitray, Omelon, Nations, Belle Etoile, Bruxerioux, Fadeaux, Saint-Jean-le-Lac, Grands-Champs, Touvent, Loge, Cré, Méraudes, Beaulieu, Pointerie, Bourie, Saint-Jacques, Notz, Grand Poirier, Chevaliers, Brauderie, Rocheforts, Saint-Christophe, Vaugirard, Marins, Belle Isle, and in Déols, Montierchaume, Diors, Ablenay, Mâron, Piou, Etrechet, Le Poinçonnet, Saint-Maur, Ficajola, Brassioux, Villechaise, Cere...
_ keeping pets at home, keeping cats at home, keeping dogs at home
_ Dog walks
_ Feeding animals at home
_ Cleaning accessories and litter
_ Transporting animals in an air-conditioned vehicle
(strictly respected health protocol)
36000 Châteauroux