35 Pet Guard - Pet Sitter - Mont-Dol

35 Pet Guard - Pet Sitter - Mont-Dol

Pet-sitter pet services (cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, birds...).

Interventions in Mont-Dol in the centre-city and around Dol-de-Bretagne, Roz-Landrieux, Plerguer, Baguer Morvan, Lillemer, Saint-Guinoux, La Fresnais, La Gouesnière, Le Vivier-sur-Mer, Hirel, Vildé-la-Marine, Saint-Benoît-des-Ondes, Cherrueix, Le Han, Saint-Broladre, Saint-Marcan, La Poultière, Roz-sur-Couesnon, Baguer-Pican, La Boussac, Epiniac, Saint-Léonard...


_ keeping pets at home, keeping cats at home, keeping dogs at home

_ Dog walks

_ Feeding animals at home

_ Cleaning accessories and litter

_ Transporting animals in an air-conditioned vehicle

(strictly respected health protocol)


Contact Servicespouranimaux.com


35120 Mont-Dol


Mont-Dol Animal Services Dol-de-Bretagne Animal Services Pet Sitter Dol-de-Bretagne