89 Animal Care & Pet Sitter - Auxerre

89 Animal Care & Pet Sitter - Auxerre

Services at home & Pet-sitter for pets (cat, dog, rabbit, hamster, ferret, bird ...).

Interventions in Auxerre in the City Center and around Saint-Julien, Saint-Amâtre, Rive Droite, Saint-Siméon, Les Rosoirs, Piedalloues, La Noue, Saint-Gervais, Sainte-Geneviève, Brazza, Les Boussicats, Les Brichères, Conches, Les Clairions, and in Perrigny, Jonches, Monéteau, Chaumois, Charbuy, Saint-Georges-sur-Baulche, Villefargeau, OrgyChevannes, Vallan, Maulny, Vaux, Augy, Champs-sur-Yonne, Saint-Bris-le-Vineux, Bailly, Jussy, Escolives-Sainte-Camille, Gy-l'Evêque, Quenne, Nangis, Venoy...


_ home pet keeping, home cat care, home dog care

_ dog walk

_ feeding animals at home

_ cleaning accessories and litter

_ transport of animals in an air-conditioned vehicle

(sanitary protocol strictly respected)


Contact Servicespouranimaux.com


89000 Auxerre


Auxerre pet sitter Auxerre dog sitter