Maltraitance animale protection animale

SOS animal abuse call 3677

On 2024-06-24

In Pet News



Since that day, 3677 has been the unique number set up by SOS animal abuse to report cases of animal abuse and abandonment of pets throughout France. This telephone line is available 7 days a week and operates like a traditional emergency service.

All people who witness malicious acts towards dogs, cats and pets can contact this new platform to report any behavior suspected of being animal abuse or the abandonment of a domestic animal.

France is the European champion in animal abandonment with an average of 1 animal abandoned every 2 minutes, which is shameful and above all dramatic for our animal friends.


What are the specialized and mandated services that intervene when a report of animal abuse is made?

After reporting suspicious behavior or animal abuse using the number 3677, several actors are likely to intervene directly with the designated owner of animal abuse, namely:

Law enforcement: The national police, gendarmerie or municipal police are authorized to investigate cases of animal abuse. They can intervene to protect animals and prosecute the perpetrators of these acts.

Animal protection associations: Organizations such as the SPA (Society for the Protection of Animals) or other local associations mobilize to rescue mistreated animals. They can file a complaint and take charge of the care and placement of the animals.

Veterinarians: Veterinarians are animal health professionals. They can report cases of abuse and provide medical evidence to support investigations.

State veterinary services: They are responsible for enforcing laws concerning animal protection. They can carry out checks and take administrative measures.


To summarize, let's protect our pets and do not hesitate to call 3677 for any suspicions or direct reports, thank you in advance for our 4-legged friends.